What I Write

My young adult novels are dark, edgy, and realistic. Although I love paranormal and fantasy books, I prefer to create stories that could really happen (and in many cases, really are happening). For me, the echo of a story set firmly in the real world always haunts me long after I've read the final word. If you like Ellen Hopkins, Jay Asher, and Neal Shusterman, you might like my books, too.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

40 Days and 40 Chapters

My goal is to polish one chapter a day for forty days--this means my MS will be ready to send out some random day in July.  But, in the meantime, I have big plans to read and review some really cool YA books.  Since I'm hip deep in Cassandra Clare's CITY OF FALLEN ANGELS and Ellen Hopkin's TRICKS (yeah, I know, how the heck am I reading two books at the same time??? Never been able to do that before...) and I have a book queue longer than my driveway, I'm thinking my deadline is flaccid at best.

So, what other big plans do I have for the summer?  I don't know, not much.  It's really, really, REALLY hot and humid in southern Florida in the summer, so most of my activities will either be in the AC or the pool.  That pretty much limits me to reading, writing, and watching Shark Week (whenever that comes on).  Don't laugh, you know you watch it, too.

Oh yeah, and I'm crinkling out the details of my next novel, too.

So, if you don't see or hear from me for forty days and forty nights, don't go looking for an ark.  Look for a polished manuscript and a very nervous writer.  How do I feel about the craziness ahead? 

Bring on the rain. (Jo Dee Messina)

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About Me

I'm a writer of contemporary teen fiction. My bookshelf is SLAMMED with young adult novels and I should be on some sort of twelve step program for my spending habits in Barnes and Noble. And, for the record, I LIKE having real books, so no Nook or Kindle for this gal.